ForexTester Products

ForexTester Back-test Platform

A very powerful tool for walking through historic data on a bar by bar basis. Learn how to trade by playing back past data and making your trading decisions. Come with a suite of indicators and tools and the ability to add custom indicators and automated strategies. Buy the platform through us at a discount to the full retail price.


ForexTester: Easy Order Entry Script

If you need to do position sizing calculations for constant account risk on your entries then this natty ForexTester script is for you. When you run the script it automatically replaces your order with one sized to the correct amount for your required risk. It saves countless hours in back-test sizing calculations


ForexTester: Riskless Pyramid Approach

This is an aggressive way to pyramid trades in a risk-free way. At each new add-on the stop-loss on the combined position is moved to break-even By doing this multiple times very aggressive returns can be achieved with no additional risk apart from that of the initial trade with one sized to the correct amount for your required risk. With this ForexTester add-on you can learn how to use this powerful technique for yourself.